High-performance Survival, Preparedness, Medical & Self-rescue Training for everyone. Classes in Northwest Montana
Details & Registration at ArtosSurvival.com
2024 course dates out now! ARTOS offers a variety of instructional, hands-on courses from our Wilderness Emergency Survival Standard (WESS) series to wilderness medicine certification courses. Alternatively, our Wilderness Emergency Field Simulation (WEFS) series of courses immerses participants in realistic survival situations to enable them to test their preparation, skills, and mindset in a backcountry setting. We are always working on releasing enhanced level curriculums in our current course progressions as well as all new, subject dedicated courses such as Climate specific Survival, Wilderness Navigation, Wild Plant ID and Use, Survival Food Procurement, and more. Our open-to-the-public courses mainly take place in and around the Flathead Valley of Northwest Montana.